Sunday, October 14, 2012

Loving this feeling...

I love when I finish a project! :)

Today is my resting day but of course I still crochet on a resting day :)
I finished Pam's baby blanket yesterday and I have it all prepared to give away!

Gosh I love seeing the finished products!  Sometimes I just don't wanna give them away lol.
Here's a picture with a little more detail of the pattern....


Today I'm gonna pick back up on my first infinity scarf!  This is my first attempt so
I'm really hoping for the best haha.  The scarf was meant to match my sister's slouchie beanie I'm also in the process of making but my mind is so all over the place, if I could, I would crochet 5 things at once!

But...back to the hook I go! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Whew! I'm back!

It's been wayyyy too long!  We finally got our internet hooked up so now I can keep up with my blogs again! :)  Well for today here's a preview of the King size blanket I was raving about before we moved!
This is part of one row and I have 7 (or 8) more to go.  I'll decide when I get to the end because it's actually coming out much larger than anticipated. 

Now, apart from Crochet, like I mentioned before we have finally gotten our internet and cable hooked up!  I can not describe how excited I am haha.  Now it's time for my husband and I to cut our phones down to save some money!  I'll stay posted!